The Google Trader software is a scam. Now thankfully closed, the scam follows a tried and tested scam that promises great returns and zero risk. In this review we will present the tactics used by Google Trader, so that anyone who is tempted by similar services can hopefully spot the warning signs and trade with them. alternative legit broker or signal provider.

Google merchant scam

Our scam page lists many of the tactics that binary scam operators use. Trader Google has combined some of these to scam clients.

The software uses pretty much the usual scam, which is to associate itself with a respected company. In this case, the giant search engine, Google. Many books on the social sciences highlight the belief that people place things that seem familiar. By associating themselves with a familiar household name, the fraudulent activity created the impression of credibility. It is a method used many times, including the ‘Copy buffet’ scam, which uses Warren Buffet’s trading reputation to trick customers.

The truth is that Google has absolutely nothing to do with this donkey. The scam even had a quote claiming that Google Google made $6 million in the last year – someone dropped online trading entirely. This is purely an attempt to trick others, and somehow link themselves to the tech giant.


The scam revolves around several automated trading software, which the scammers claim can guarantee trading success. The promise of excessive wealth is a common thing in binary scams. The Google Trader video includes claims that thousands of dollars can be made daily with no time or effort from the account holder. They also suggest no prior trading knowledge is required. These kinds of claims are of course very dangerous.

Binary options require the same care and attention as any other form of investment. Any company that shows they are an easy way to make large sums of money is most likely a scam.

This program has a minimum deposit requirement of $250. The company then simply steals the money. In some cases, an account manager from the company will ask the client for more money to gain access to better signals or in tips. Once any funds are deposited, the client will never see them again.

Google Trader App

The software even promises an app, allowing users to trade signals online. However, like every other element of activity, this is another lie. More genuine Google Trader reviews are starting to appear. Users say they can’t process withdrawals, and aggressive account managers are resorting to abusive behavior when customers initiate payment requests.

This pattern of behavior mirrors previous scams where the account manager built an initial, befriending relationship with the client. As a level of trust or friendship is built, they will encourage additional deposits. When the account holder initiates a withdrawal request, the tone changes very quickly. In the end, all communications are cut off and the funds cannot be recovered.

Trader Login

As stated before, Google Trader is thankfully down. But these scams often reappear with a very similar name and do exactly the same thing again. Once the user reaches the login screen, false claims and sales videos begin.

With so many legitimate and honest brands, there’s really no reason to try a company you have any doubts about. Visit our scams page – this provides details on how to spot scams. It also lists the same service as Google Trader, which should also be avoided at all costs.

It’s also worth looking into where you get your binary options trading guide – does the site advertise Google Trader or scam sites of the same kind? If yes, any other information on their site is also not trusted.Honestly, the broker regulates:



Google Trader – Scam Software Revealed 2